
Wedding Inspiration {Moonrise Kingdom}

Several weeks ago, Corey and I spent a lovely Friday afternoon catching the new Wes Anderson flick Moonrise Kingdom.  The movie really resonated with me, and I have been thinking about it ever since.  Maybe it is because the film contained a refreshing innocence that I rarely see anywhere anymore.  Maybe it is because the colors are so vivid, and every still could be a painting.  Maybe it is because I’m just jealous of Suzy’s style.  I wasn’t always a fan of Wes Anderson (looking at you Life Aquatic), but his more recent work has quietly been capturing my heart.  Don’t even get me started about how much I love Fantastic Mr. Fox.  As a little wednesday pick me up, I decided to create a little wedding inspiration based on the movie.  If you haven’t seen it yet, you really probably should.

Image Credits: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13




  1. Lindsay

    wasn’t this such a cute movie??

  2. Taylor

    How cute Colleen! Love this. I haven’t seen the movie yet but have heard great things about it.

  3. Kat Dawg

    So awesome…….how bout a Dark Knight Rises wedding inspiration

  4. Lindsey @ be pretty

    OK I’m OBSESSED WITH THIS!!! I love the bright, cheerful, mountainy colors and textures! I’ve never seen the movie… but sounds like I need to! 🙂